
About Us

Our Approach

Monica Vergara combines her experience and training in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Human Resources and brain science to develop highly customized solutions to meet the specific needs of each client in the areas of:

Talent Selection

Performance Management

Leadership Development


Our Values


  • Maintaining trust, respect and integrity in all of our relationships.
  • Providing measurably effective solutions that propel our client organizations forward.
  • Striving for continuous development and innovation in our consulting practice.
  • Ensuring success through collaboration.


Since 2005, our clients have benefitted from:


  • Understanding what makes their people unique and successful.
  • Providing a common language for communicating about hiring requirements and performance expectations.
  • Maintaining consistency in the quality of their people as they grow.
  • Leveraging individual strengths to foster cross training and collaboration.
  • Maximizing individual and team performance through customized strategies.
  • Hiring the right person for the right job from the start.
  • Increased efficiency and consistency in their hiring and performance management processes.

Our Clients:

3829 Lake Birch Street NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525


(936) 520-9369